Today’s Issue
Before the pandemic hit in 2020 the business had been growing steadily and we had built a good little team.
The pandemic wiped all of that out.
The team had to go, income became critical, and survival was the name of the game.
We made it through.
Now we need to rebuild.
The Question is – How?
- Renewing contact with the “old” clients
A friendly call to see how they are doing and broaching the subject of starting the relationship again.
- Getting active on social media.
Companies need to know that you are still among the land of the living. Get active on LinkedIn and Facebook with short messages and don’t forget to send out a blog once a week and put it on your company website.
- Developing another income stream
Within your skill sets there maybe one that could become a low but steady income stream. So, develop it and promote it on social media. Write a blog about it.
- Using a call-handling service.
You need all the time you can get to rebuild so using a call-handling service to take calls leaves you free to concentrate.
The calls will be relayed by email and you can respond when you reach a convenient point in time.
- Hiring an invoice chasing company.
Keeping on top of your cashflow is vital so use a company to chase up slow payers and keep that cash coming in.
- Increasing the awareness of you company.
Dig-e-Tel © was designed by BHT to fulfil the role of awareness building. The medium to long-term aim is to build a pipeline of prospective clients.
We developed this system in the height of the pandemic and tested it on ourselves in the autumn when the last wave was still climbing.
We won our first client in January 2021 and have over 350 new links.
BHT Marketing Ltd has been in business as a bespoke marketing agency since October 1997.
We are not a large company and have no intention of becoming one, because we prefer to provide our clients with personalized service.
We can assist with any of the points raised in this blog.
What to do
Give us a ring on 0808-172-1900 to discuss any of these services or just for some advice.