To save any business and be able to rebuild means there is a need to match the outflow of money to less than the amount coming in.
This is the stark reality of the situation we all find ourselves in through no fault of our own.
However, we are entrepreneurs and, as such, used to facing up to what has to be done. We haven’t the time to dwell on the unfairness of all of this. We just have to get on and “play the hand we have been dealt”.
To restructure finances with safety and certainty you need to be operating some form of financial forecasting model.
For the micro and small companies, this is a time consuming and costly exercise.
To save companies having to reinvent the wheel BHT Marketing Ltd are offering to assist companies with their Business Cash Management Services.
The basic component of this service is a cash-flow forecast, updated monthly, which is grounded each month using a bank reconciliation. By building in a line for each income stream and each expenditure stream a bank account projection is produced.
Each client buys in for a minimum of 12 months and so can steadily forecast their financial year outcome.
This system is usually developed showing weekly outcomes to avoid cash-flow embarrassments in the middle of a month due to a delayed payment.
An annual summary of the cash-flow shows the progression of the bank balance as the year progresses.
Consequently, the company can have confidence, given their assumptions, that they know what their future holds and therefore will be seen to have taken all necessary steps to protect themselves from failure.
So that the client can concentrate on what they do best the Business Cash Management Services can also provide invoice raising and chasing as well as an additional year forecasting for the longer view.
In view of the seriousness of the current financial situation BHT have reduced the fees for the first 3 clients from £60 to £40 per month with the set-up fee of £60 being waived too.
If you would like to talk this over in an informal chat with no obligation just call BHT on 0808-172-1900.