One single marketing technique is better than nothing, obviously, but if you have the time or can afford someone to do it, a comprehensive marketing strategy is much more effective.
What do I mean by comprehensive
The aim of marketing is to try and reach as many people as possible and promote your company, your product and or your service. In order to do that, you need to be wherever the potential prospect is looking; television, cinema, transport advertising, magazines, newspapers, online gaming apps, as well as websites, social media platforms, and so on and so forth. To do all that and more, you would need an Elon Musk marketing budget and most of us don’t have anywhere near a fraction of that. So, what is the minimum we should be trying to achieve, to be as comprehensive in our marketing as possible?
I would suggest these basics:
- An up-to-date website
- Regular blogs
- Social media messages on workdays
- Outreach programmes
An up-to-date simple website
All you need in your website is:
- What you do
- Who you are
- Services you offer in detail
- Blogs written
- Contact details
When I say simple, I mean easy to read and understand. Don’t write like this:
“We believe that our expertise should support and enhance your company’s success. With our wide range of best-in-class services, we provide tailored solutions” – but what are they?
Your website is where you want people to go to find out more about you. You want them to get a feel for the sort of people you are and, most importantly, what you can do to help them.
To quote a well-used phrase “Keep it simple, stupid.”
Regular blogs
The purpose of a blog is to tell your audience what things can help them in certain circumstances and explain in ordinary English and certainly not jargonese.
The other purpose of a blog, this is about marketing after all, is to point the reader towards your website, where they can read more about what you do.
Social Media Messages
I would recommend posting 1 message per working day about your company/services/products and put a link to your website and use hashtags to gain a wider audience.
Outreach programmes
By subscribing to LinkedIn Navigator, you have access to millions of prospects, literally. You can target by commercial category, geography, age of company, number of employees and title of prospect. Having specified your criteria, you can select appropriate people and send them a message. You could send out a brief introduction of yourself to your targeted prospects at say 10 per working day (should take about 1 hour). Consequently, by the end of each month you will have sent out approximately 200 introductions. You will have pointed them all to your website and approximately 20% will link up with you, meaning that every month you will have 40 more prospects, who will see your social media messages and your blog.
Now that is exciting!
All you need is time
As you can see, you don’t need to spend a lot of money to have a comprehensive marketing strategy. However, you do need regular time.
If that becomes a problem, contact me on 0808-172-1900 and we will help.