The Problem
If you going to launch a new business marketing campaign this autumn, there are less than 8 weeks to 1st September. In that time, you have to plan and decide the budget, which marketing technique to use and who will do it.
Planning and Deciding Budget
The answer to this is simply, after all running costs, what have you got left each month going forward.
If you could use some help with this part of the planning process BHT have developed a cash flow forecasting system that could be useful to you.
Marketing Techniques
- Telemarketing
- Useful for renewing old contacts and lapsed clients.
- Not as strong as it used to be because a lot of contact points have been lost and not renewed, and a growing percentage of executives are choosing to work at home.
- Digital Marketing
- Useful for getting your name out there but dependent upon people reacting.
- Advertising
- Similar to Digital marketing, in that, it helps to grow the awareness of your business but depends on people taking a positive reaction to it.
- Dig-e-Tel Marketing
- Targeted messages to the right contact wherever they are, resulting in linking up, emailing and finally telephone conversations. This technique, developed by BHT during the pandemic, builds awareness of your business, with the appropriate contact and the targeted market. If they are interested in what you do a “conversation ensues leading to client appointments.
What to do now
- Now is the time to begin this process and be ready for your autumn campaign.
- So pick up the phone and call 0808-172-1900 for a conversation about what suits your company best.