What are the priorities now?

 As we all come out from under the covid cloud and we need to:

  • Let others know that we are still trading by sending out emails.
  • Reconnect with pre-covid “friends” using the telephone.
  • Promote our services through social media each week.
  • Start an awareness campaign using Dig-e-Tel©.
  • Begin to build your business future .


Building the future of your business.

Start now and every month the goes by means that you are ever closer to you goals.

Dig-e-Tel© can help with that because it is a prospect finder and an awareness builder.

It does this by:

  • identifying the right contacts in your target markets.
  • sending enquiring messages to each contact to see if there is interest in what you do.
  • cultivating those who repond by sending more detailed information and asking for their email address.
  • emailing much more detailed information and asking for their telephone number.
  • calling the contact, discussing possible timing and booking an appointment if appropriate.
  • posting social media messages and blogs during the campaign. 


How long a process is Dig-e-Tel©?

BHT began their own trial in September 2020 and won the first contract in January 2021.

Our first client using Dig-e-Tel© began in mid-January 2021 and won the first lead in February 2021.


What is the cost of Dig-e-Tel© ?

Budgetcentric campaigns can be 8, 10, 12, 16 and 20 hours per month, with or without social media and blogging.

So you can start as low as £200 per month and let the campaign results finance any increase.

There is a one-off set-up fee of £120 to cover the briefing, data search, message writing, email writing.

Social media and blog writing is an optional extra and charged according to what is required.


Action Point

If you would like to discuss Dig-e-Tel© give us a ring on 0808-172-1900.