How many times have you wanted to develop your client portfolio and have been considering a digital or telephone campaign only to realise that, whilst you might have some data, you haven’t got much, and what you do have is out of date.
You’re then faced with the prospect of spending a lot of time sourcing a database and then spending even more time trying to find the name of the right person to contact.
So what do you do?
It’s a common enough problem and one which can be easily solved by finding a telemarketing company that has experience of sourcing databases and finding the right person to contact.
Since 1997 when BHT was founded we have been specifying and procuring databases, which are TPS checked, for our clients.
We’ve lost count of how many databases we have bought for our clients and here’s a little tip. You should never pay more than about £350 for 2,000 records.
However, when you have the database of companies in the right geographical area and the right market you still don’t have the name of the person to contact.
This is where the experienced telemarketers come in.. For the last 23 years, we have been finding the right contacts for our clients. It takes time because we have to ring the companies and conduct a little detective work to find the name and position of each contact and ask for permission to send an email.
In some cases, our clients need to find the contacts across a wide swathe of commerce and so we have to resort to Google mining to find the companies before calling to find the right person.
As you can see this part of any digital or telemarketing campaign is labour and time consuming, so if you need to rebuild your client base, after the Covid-19 pandemic, and get a campaign going then a quicker way of doing that is to outsource the first part of the exercise and let telemarketers do the data mining.
The beauty of this is that you can receive the contacts in small numbers each week so that you can send short bursts of emails or telephone calls and be able to follow-up comfortably without getting swamped.
If you would like to discuss this concept or any other aspects of telemarketing please don’t hesitate to call us at BHT on 0808-172-1900. We’ll be glad to help.