People often ask us “How do you do it? Telemarketing is such a soul-destroying exercise. How do you keep positive?”
Apart from saying that you must be “bloody minded” and have a strong determination to persevere there are little tricks of the trade which will help the newcomers to what is, after all a very effective marketing tool.
- Write an outline script
This is a very simple thing and should only cover about ½ page at 16-point type and every other line. You start with “Hello my name is ……. And I’m calling from ………………. Could I speak to whoever is in charge of …………….?” By the time you’ve said that you will have settled down and be ready to carry on a conversation without much assistance. If you do need the salient points of your call write them down as bullet points – NEVER READ FROM A SCRIPT. However, we would always recommend writing down your company website address and telephone number. Nothing is more embarrassing than having to look this up if asked!
- Make additions to your database so that you can monitor progress
Add columns to the right of your database to include the date you called, the date you will call back, the code you want to give each response to include, Appointment, Telephone appointment, Send Information, Answer phone, Not interested. Now you will be able to analyse the results as well as being able to identify your warm opportunities each day you come to it.
- Break the telemarketing down into small daily bites.
If you want to do 5 hours telemarketing per week, break it down to one hour per day, or in other words target to call 15 people each day. This way it doesn’t feel like such a mountain to climb each day.
- Call the warm ones first
As you start your telemarketing look down your database and call the warm opportunities first. This eases you back into the telemarketing because you will be talking to people you have already introduced yourself to and you never know, one of them might agree to an appointment.
- Don’t be needy and pushy
Remember that 10 to 15% of your contacts will be interested in what you have to say, so don’t get emotionally attached and just do the job. Whatever else you do never ever get pushy as this will only lead to the recipient never talking to you again.
- Be ready for an appointment booking
When the inevitable happens and someone says they would like to organize an appointment make sure you have a diary of convenient dates to hand and the name of the person who will be attending. Try not to sound surprised and thank them for the appointment and confirm the date and time by email.
You are now a confirmed an successful telemarketer and you should have a regular routine worked out. However, if you still find the prospect of picking up the phone you could always ask us to help by ringing 0808-172-1900.
Good hunting and good luck!