5 Mistakes To Avoid When Hiring a Tele Marketing Agency
We all make mistakes and that is how we grow and learn. However, when those mistakes cost us money, time and effort, it is best to learn from others. Here are the five top mistakes to avoid when hiring a tele marketing agency.
Mistake 1 – No Research
If a company doesn’t carry out research into the tele marketing agency this can lead to meetings which are a waste of time because the agency can’t provide the service they are looking for or worse still, if the agency has a bad track record of performance then the company will lose time and money by hiring them. As with all services you employ you must carry out research into the tele marketing agencies you are looking to hire and check that they provide the services you need. This not only saves you time and money but means you can have a meaningful and productive conversation during your meetings.
Mistake 2 – Unrealistic expectations
Some companies can get very excited when they realise what a tele marketing agency can do for their business. However, they should not expect too much too soon and an agency that provides unrealistic expectations or even gives no indication of what the results will be is not an agency to be working with.
A good tele marketing agency will explain average performances across markets which are based on experience but will point out that a benchmarking phase must be conducted first to get the best idea of performance. Following this, a more reasonable forecast can be made to predict how the rest of the campaign will pan out.
Tele marketing is not a magic bullet, but it is the most powerful form of direct marketing available if used correctly.
Mistake 3 – Using Scripts
Do you want to know if a tele marketing agency is good or bad? Here is the first question you must ask. “Do you use scripts?”. If they say “Yes” you need to thank them for there time and leave.
I will tell you why. If you were to talk to someone at an exhibition or business gathering about your product would you reach into your pocket and pull out a script and read it, or have an ordinary conversation with them about their needs and how your product or service can help them.
If a script isn’t the right way to conduct a conversation it isn’t the right way to conduct a telephone conversation. Outline bullet points are necessary but not a script.
If an agency isn’t going to put in the time and effort to understand and learn your product and service, so that they can talk to your clients and potential clients like one of your team, then they are not the agency for you.
Mistake 4 – Guessing numbers
Not all tele marketing is outbound. If your company is looking at hiring a tele marketing agency to deal with inbound calls. It is a good idea to take note of how many calls will be coming in each day. Then you can discuss these numbers with the agency. This is important because most agencies charge per incoming call and per additional minutes.
Mistake 5 – Lack of effective communication
Communication, as with all areas of life is key, so make sure that when you have your first meeting with your agency that all your questions have been answered and that all the information you need to give to the tele marketing agency has been provided. Sending a follow up email covering your key points is also very helpful. Usually, the agency will have an agenda to ensure that nothing is missed, if they don’t, beware.
In Conclusion
In conclusion, we have discussed the five biggest mistakes companies can make when hiring a tele marketing agency. We covered lack of research into agencies and there services, unrealistic expectations, the use of scripts, guessing numbers and lack of communication. With all this information you should now be in a better position to hire a tele marketing agency.
Start today
If all of this makes sense and you want to start using tele marketing today you can Call BHT Marketing on 0808-172-1900 for a free consultation or click here to fill in our form and one of us will give you a call to discuss how we can help.